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"We're Expecting" Books for Moms,Dads,Adoptive,Single,LGBTQ Parents and ALL Caregivers in Between

Mandi Franklin, CPNP

Below are the top 5 MUST-HAVE "We're Expecting" books for your bookshelves:

1. The Newborn Handbook- By Smita Malhotra. Recently published and written by a pediatrician, this book is your go-to baby guide for the first 3 months! This very practical guide incorporates ALL caregivers, including those that are not biological parents.

2. We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook- By Adrian Kulp. So many books are geared toward women and soon-to-be mothers. What about the men!? This book guides males through each trimester and what to expect for the dad-to-be. Not only does it go through newborn milestones, but it also gives advice on how to support mom and keep your relationship and bond strong.

3. What to Expect When You’re Adopting: A Practical Guide to the Decision and Emotions Involved in Adoption- By Ian Palmer. This book takes parents-to-be through each stage of the adoption process- from completing applications to the adjustment process after adoption.

4. The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover your Sexiest Self and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children- By Emma Johnson. In this book, the author offers advice on how to “survive and thrive” as a single mommy. Prior to writing her book, Johnson created a blog to offer guidance to other single mothers.

5. The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads: Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask- By Eric Rosswood. This is a great guide and resource for same-gender couples expecting a baby. Unfortunately, there are not many same-sex parenting books out there. This book covers difficult topics like, awkward questions from strangers and how to find a LGBT friendly pediatrician (which, all should be, in my opinion).

What else would you add to the list?

Until next time,





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