As a T1D, movement is important but can also be tricky.
For a non-diabetic, not much thought goes into exercising.
As a T1D, there are so many factors that go through my head before beginning a workout.
For you non-diabetics, are you ready for this list? Although it seems like an intimidating and lengthy list, we are used to it, and after some practice, it becomes second nature.
Last meal (including fat content, carb content, protein, caffeine, etc.)
Timing of last meal
Amount of insulin given and when it was last given
Type of exercise (high intensity, low intensity, weights, etc.)
Type of athlete- are you regularly working out or is this the first workout in 2 months?
Last time you exercised
Duration of exercise/movement
Starting blood sugar prior to exercise
Time of day
Hydration status
Menstrual cycle
The list could go on!
What other tips do you have for your fellow T1Ds?